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Voluntary Work

Voluntary Work, What is that supposed to mean? Let's watch that video first and see the idea you made about voluntary work ..

Maybe your happiness lies in making all around you happy, As a volunteer, you will enjoy the fulfillment of giving to your community and helping a worthy cause.


What will you gain from this experiment?

A chance to develop existing skills or to gain new ones
The experience of working in a different environment
The opportunity to learn more about yourself and your capabilities, and gain more self-confidence
The potential for relevant vocational training which could lead to a recognised qualification
The chance to develop your networking skills by making new friends and developing contacts
An insight into the work of a particular sector
The intrinsic satisfaction of contributing to something you feel is worthwhile and which will be valued
Additional material for your CV and future job applications

There are some organizations that you can start your voluntary work at such as:

RESALA Charitable Organization

Food Bank
